Divorce can be a challenging time, both emotionally and financially. Therefore, it is common to wonder if a simpler and more affordable option is available. The answer is yes, there is. Although the only legal way to separate from your spouse is a divorce, there are alternatives to how to divorce.
Divorce that takes place in court can become ugly and messy. It can create a hostile relationship between the spouses and even make private matters public. This is why it is better to look at alternatives before you divorce. A Sandy divorce attorney can best explain your options.
Legal alternatives to divorce
- Mediation.
This is one of the best legal alternatives to divorce. Mediation is a process where the two parties hire a neutral third party called the mediator. The mediator listens to both sides of the story, the needs and desires of each party, and then tries to come up with a solution.
The third party also helps facilitate communication between you and your spouse. In the end, they suggest solutions to your issues. However, it is totally up to you and your spouse whether you want to accept the solution or not. A mediator only gives suggestions but does not make the final decision.
- Counseling.
This might not be the option you were looking for, but a healthy alternative to divorce realizes the need for outside help. Counseling can actually save your marriage and prevent you from going through a divorce. If you have not yet attempted to fix the marriage at least once, it is worth it. This way, at least you won’t go to bed with regrets.
Marriage counseling has saved millions of marriages, and one of them could be yours. It can help you understand each other’s perspectives instead of getting angry.
- Judicial separation.
If you are fed up with your spouse but do not want to end your marriage just yet, a judicial separation in Sandy could be a good option for you. Although it won’t terminate your marriage, you can still legally live separately. This does not affect the family’s finances, meaning that you can continue to use your joint bank accounts with your spouse.
- Collaborative divorce.
This is one of the best options on the list. A collaborative divorce is where you and your spouse work out the terms of the divorce outside the court without the interference of the judge. However, it is still important to retain an attorney to make sure you agree to the right terms. It is different from mediation because there is no neutral third party here, and you and your spouse make the decisions together.